Mot-clé - show and tell

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18 mars 2011

Aude's show and tell

Here is Aude's show and tell about...her necklace!

Next week, Paul's turn! ;)

11 mars 2011

Heloise's show and tell

Here is Heloise's show and tell about...her music box!

Next week, Aude's turn!

05 mars 2011

Yolann's show and tell

Here is Yolann's show and tell about...his football scarf!

07 février 2011

Theo G's show and tell

Here is Théo's show and tell about... his brain teaser! It was very difficult to find... Good choice! ;) 

It will be Yolann's turn after the holidays... ;)

04 février 2011

Thomas F's show and tell

Here is Thomas's show and tell about...his football shoes! 

Next week, Theo G's turn...on Monday! ;)

28 janvier 2011

Sandrine's show and tell

Here is Sandrine's show and tell about...her first glasses! 

Next week, Thomas F's turn!

21 janvier 2011

Constant's show and tell

Here is Constant's show and tell about... SuperNaze!

 Next week...Sandrine's turn!

17 janvier 2011

Mathis's show and tell

Mathis's show and tell about...his tennis ball ;)

Next week, Constant's turn!

07 janvier 2011

Theo's show and tell

Here is Théo's show and tell about his... yellow ball!

Next week, Mathis's turn!

PS: désolée pour la vidéo à l'envers... :/

17 décembre 2010

Manon's show and tell

Here is Manon's show and tell about...her Australian hat! Lucky her ;)

The Show and Tell's project will be back in 2011...with Théo C!

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